If you need to add another administrator to your True Link Visa® Prepaid Cards, our team is here to help. You can add an administrator to help manage your Card accounts at any time. You can also specify a user’s access based on their role in managing True Link Visa Cards. The easiest way to add a new user is by emailing our Customer Support team at support@truelinkfinancial.com.
In this article, you’ll learn how to add administrators to manage True Link Visa cards.
Please be aware that this article is for creating new administrator users. If you are a cardholder or have questions about access to our cardholder sign in page, please visit our article on cardholder capabilities for more information.
Administrator additions
There are two steps to adding a new administrator:
1. The current administrator must submit a request to add an administrator and confirm the user access level:
- Email support@truelinkfinancial.com, including the new administrator’s name, email address and user access level.
- We offer three access levels for administrators. If you are not sure which access level the new administrator should have, please let our support team know and we’ll be happy to help you decide which access level is best.
- Option 1 - Full access: Access to all features on the True Link website
- Option 2 - Assistant access: Not able to fund cards or order additional cards, but have access to all other functions
- Option 3 - Read-only access: Access to reports and statements, can’t make changes to alerts, Spending Settings, Card ordering, or funding
- When our Customer Support team receives your request, we will respond with a link the new administrator can use to create their username and password.
2. The new administrator must create a username and password:
- The new administrator should click on the new user sign up link sent by our Customer Support team, enter the requested information, and click “Sign Up.”
- After the new administrator signs up, our Customer Support team will complete the next steps and confirm when the new administrator is all set to access the True Link website.
Please be aware that a user access level needs to be confirmed before giving a new administrator access. If a user access level has not been confirmed, our team will follow up with the current administrator to get that information.
If you would like to change or remove an administrator or have any additional questions, please contact our Customer Support team.